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You want to really stand out in the party? Or are you a personality and want something different, especially the eyes? Are you not afraid peering eyes, but also enjoys being the center of attention? The western-blue tone is the color of the lens you need to own. Western-blue contact lenses, also known as blue contact lenses. This is a special color of lens that helps you become personal and outstanding!
The western-blue contact lens also gives it a lot of different tones such as: blue, green, turquoise, brown green, gray blue, ...
- Colored table of blue contact lens
- Price of blue contact lens
- Address to buy contact lens with blue tone
Let's find more information with Angel Eyes Contact Lens in the following article!
Colored table of western-blue tone
Depending on your needs and personality, you will be able to choose a blue contact lens tone as you like in the colored table above. Here, let's go into detail about the hottest models of western blue tone!
Blue Contact Lens
Blue contact lenses, also known as contact lens with blue color. This model gives your eyes a deep blue color like the water of ocean. The color of your eye will be like the characters in the Manga series. Do you like that?
Crystal Dark Blue - Contact Lens with Blue tone
Green Contact Lens
The green contact lens is also known as contact lens with green color. This model helps your eyes shine with the fresh chlorophyll green color of nature. At Angel Eyes Contact Lens, you can experience this tone with the Ocean Green, a gentle green lens tone that helps you feel more comfortable expressing your personality without worrying about your eyes being too exposed.
Ocean Green - Contact Lens with Green tone
Turquoise Contact Lens
Turquoise contact lenses are similar in color to blue contact lenses, but have more black veins on the surface. If you want a blue tone, but not too prominent, you can research this tone!
Emerald Blue - Contact Lens with Turquoise tone
Brown-Blue Contact Lens
The brown-blue contact lens is a unique combination of a blue lens and a brown lens. This model help you have gentle and unobtrusive blue eyes that stand out just enough.
Athena Brown - Contact Lens with Brown-Blue tone
Gray-green Contact Lens
Gray-green contact lenses are also known as contact lenses with gray-green tone. This lens is outstanding models of contact lenses whose main lens tone is gray with a green-tinted lens effect. The gray-green contact lens creates a striking highlight to help your eyes have the same eye color tone as a Western native.
Cupid Gray - Contact Lens with Gray-Green tone
Currently, there are many types of blue contact lenses with perse origins: Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Japan, USA, etc. In which, blue contact lenses, are imported from Korea, usually have good quality and stable price, so they are very popular in Vietnam.
Prices of blue contact lens of Angel Eyes:
- Blue Contact Len with Polyhema material (wearing up to 8 hours/day): $9,78/pair
- Blue Contact Lens with Silicone Hydrogel material (wearable for 12-24 hours/day): $12,76/pair
Depending on the needs and purposes of use, you can choose the suitable blue contact lens!
Wash your hands before wearing contact lenses
Open the tray and pour the new contact lens solution into the tray
Open the lens holder and take the contact lenses into the tray. The first time you use it, you should soak it for 4-6 hours before wearing it to remove any remaining preservatives
Eye drops to disinfect and remove dust before and after wearing the lenses
Before wearing, gently shake the lens to prevent water from forming, place the lens on the tip of the index finger so that the rim does not stick to the hand.
Identify the correct lens face before wearing.
Pull the eyelids with two middle fingers, bring the lens to the eyes, raise the eyes upwards. Do not roll your eyes, focus on one point. Put the lens on the eye, the lens will hug itself to the pupil.
Instructions for wearing lenses with pictures
Video instruction for wearing contact lens
- Should wear contact lenses before makeup, if the powder accidentally falls into the eyes, gently pick up the cotton swab and remove the dust, and at the same time drop the eyes, avoid making small water run out, it will wash away the makeup.
- Before putting contact lenses in your eyes, you should drop eye drops, or put 1 drop into the lens to keep it moist, making it easier for the lens to stick to your eyes. Do not skip the step of eye drops for lenses, because eye drops when wearing lenses can help clean your eyes if accidentally dust gets in. At the same time, eye drops for lens wearers also help balance moisture for both eyes and lenses.
- If you do not have a contact lens device, you need to wash your hands thoroughly and do not let your fingernails come into contact with the lens, use only the flesh of your finger to wear the lens (to avoid scratching the cornea or tearing the lens).
- Before removing contact lenses, you should add 1-2 drops in each eye to re-moisturize the cornea & contact lenses.
- If you do not have a lens removal tool, you need to wash your hands thoroughly and do not let your nails come into contact with the lens, only use the flesh of your finger to remove the lens (to avoid scratching the cornea or tearing the lens).
- After removing contact lenses, add 1-2 drops on each side to re-hydrate eyes. At this time, other eye drops can be installed.
- Contact lenses, when removed from the eye, should be immediately placed in a lens tray containing fresh soaking solution. You should make it a habit to put your contact lenses in the correct L or R tray for each left or right eye. This is especially important for those who wear contact lenses with the deviation between the eyes.
Instructions for removing lens with pictures
If myopia is skewed, notice on the lens tray cover the letters L (Left), and R (Right). Just put the contact lens on the right side.
- When removing contact lenses from the vial/blister, the lenses should be soaked for at least 4 hours in the soaking solution to remove the preservative in the water from the contact lens vial/blister.
- If you feel your eyes are dirty like dust, you should immediately change the soaking water and remove the lens and wash it thoroughly. You can wash contact lenses with a lens washer. However, in the case don’t have lens washer, you can wash your hands, put some soaking solution and contact lens in the palm of your hand and use your other finger to gently dust off the lens.
- Absolutely don’t wash the eye lens with soap, the lens will not be used anymore.
- After each time you wear contact lenses, you should change the soaking water, always keep the soaking water Clean & Clear, because if there is dirt and dust, the lens will be very easily scratched. In case you do not use contact lenses every day, you also need to pay attention to change the soaking water every other day to ensure hygiene.
❣️ Please carefully refer to the information on the instructions for use, how to wear contact lenses safely, how to store and especially the time of use of the product you choose.
❣️ When you first start using you do not wear contact lenses for too long: For newbies, the first day you should only wear it up to 3-4 hours, Monday 4-5 am, Tuesday 5-6 am, from Wednesday 6-8 am. Later, when you get used to it, you should only wear contact lenses for that period of time to keep your eyes healthy.
❣️ If you are short sighted, pay attention to the letter L (Left) and R (Right) on the lens tray cover. Just put the lens on the right side
❣️ Absolutely do not use expired contact lenses, contact lenses are manufactured in many different product lines and each line will have a specific expiration date, some products are only used once and most of the time. Users choose products that can be used many times with a term of 1 month, 3 months or even a year.
❣️ Should be lowered to 0.25 - 0.5 degrees compared to wearing glasses to avoid being shocked when wearing lenses. But you need to clearly provide nearsightedness (and disorder, if any) for more detailed advice!
❣️ Stop wearing contact lenses immediately after experiencing symptoms such as red eyes, blurred vision, or discomfort and consult an ophthalmologist immediately.
❣️ Do not use tap water or filtered water to clean, soak and preserve contact lenses. Store in contact lens solution only.
❣️ Do not share contact lenses with anyone to ensure eye hygiene and safety.
❣️ Do not wear contact lenses when sleeping, do not wear contact lenses when swimming because the water contains many bacteria. Wearing contact lenses while swimming increases the risk of eye infections and gangrene.
❣️ Do not wear contact lenses when eye pain: Direct contact with the pupil, contact lenses can aggravate your eye pain.
❣️ Put on contact lenses before applying makeup to prevent eyeshadow or other makeup products from sticking to contact lenses.
❣️ For people with small eyes, you should not choose dilated lenses. You should buy lenses with a small DIA to make them easier to carry.
One of the most popular places to buy contact lenses today is Angel Eyes Contact Lens. Angel Eyes products are imported directly from Korea, have the safety certificate of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, are favored by millions of customers during 7 years of operation.
ANGEL EYES' State at 501 Huynh Van Banh, Ward 13, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
The License of Ministry Of Health Vietnam for all products at Angel Eyes Contact Lens
Here, in addition to all lenses/contact lens models available with myopia, you can also be consulted by Angel Eyes' friendly and dedicated staff on models that suit your own style. In addition, Angel Eyes also supports, contact lens wearing instructions for those who are new to wearing them for the first time, only from 10-30 minutes, you can wear lenses proficiently.
In addition, Angel Eyes also offer door-to-door delivery (within the day) nationwide when you need to buy lenses in central districts, including Go Vap, Binh Tan, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, ...
With a nationwide branch network, Angel Eyes is ready to serve and help your eyes become brighter and more beautiful.
For all customers who use contact lens products at Angel Eyes, the company supports 1 to 1 warranty support for defective products from the manufacturer in the first 2 weeks. During the use process, Angel Eyes always monitors and enthusiastically cares for and guides customers. With these benefits, Angel Eyes is a reputable lens store that you cannot ignore!
Let's save the information of Angel Eyes Contact Lens:
501 Huynh Van Banh, Ward 13, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Opening hours: 8:30am - 9:00pm (Monday - Saturday) | 8:30am - 8:00pm (Sunday)
Hotline: 0932 004 221
Phone: 028 6264 7008
Website: www.angeleyes.vn
Fan Page: Angel Eyes Contact Lens
Instagram: @angeleyes.vn
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